Tamalewood Filmmakers Collective
The Format:
One "Production Round" per 6-8 weeks to create a 3-7 minute Short Film,
involving whomever is available per round.
1st -I, (Sara Rose, your faithful facilitator) send out an email to everyone on the list,
inquiring who is available in 2 weeks time to commit to a weekend collab.
2nd- I start a separate communication thread with those available and out of those among us,
we decide who will:
*Direct *Camera/Shoot *Edit *Produce *Act
*Compose Score *Sound/Lighting *SetDress/ArtDept/Location
*Wardrobe/hair/makeup, etc
3rd- We meet once or twice before shooting to go over logistics.
4th- We Shoot the Short!
5th -The short is edited and then uploaded to this site.
We take turns on cast/crew rolls as we create, per shoot.
Keeping things in rotation strengthens each creative muscle of the film making process and prioritizes the collaborative, adventurous, and experimental spirit of the group.
This is a hop on/hop off format.
You are only as committed as you want to be,
per short, per your availability.
TFC is a great opportunity to create with fellow artists
and have an online platform to showcase your various talents, build reels and so forth.
Each short is its own unique adventure.
You will get as much out of it as you put into it.